Jackie and Bobby Angel

Jackie and Bobby Angel


Jackie: Besides being a daughter of God, a total goofball, and a logical romantic, I’m a full-time traveling worship leader, speaker, and songwriter from Orange County, CA. In 2006, I got signed with Spirit&Song.com/OCP and released two albums with them titled, “Your Kingdom is Glorious” and “Divine Comedy.” I love traveling (40 states & 5 continents down, a few more to go) and eating yummy food, but I mostly love having a husband who is my best friend and thinks my impending muffin top from the prior two things (traveling & eating) is attractive.

Bobby:  I grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida and went into the seminary after college because Jesus wouldn’t leave me alone.  Ironically, in pursuing the celibate priesthood I was led to marriage.  So yeah, I’m glad I listened to Jesus.  I now live in California with my very pretty wife.  I work as a campus minister and theology teacher at an all-boys Catholic high school.  I like to write, surf, lift heavy things, and keep my wife well-fed.